Saturday 14 June 2008

VIDEO: Cusack Vs. McCain

John Cusack has decided to voice his political views about the upcoming presidential election and he's not beating around the "Bush" about who he's going to vote for.

In a pair of videos posted on YouTube, Cusack calls Republican nominee John McCain a war-profiteering clone of President George W. Bush.

"I know my opinion doesn't matter more than anyone else's and I just make films," he told the AP on Wednesday. "But I do feel you have to speak out, and that's what I'm doing."

The 30-second videos went out to members of the liberal political activist group and will begin airing as television ads on Thursday. In one of them Cusack offers a "pop quiz" to voters, asking them, among other things: "Who supports keeping our troops in harm's way in Iraq but not the bipartisan G.I. bill of right to support them when they return home?"

The actor continues, saying that McCain and Bush both do, adding, "Bet you can't tell them apart."

Cusack, whose latest film, the war satire War Inc., deals with these very subjects, says he supports Democrat Barack Obama.

Check out one of the political ads below and tell us what you think!

See Also