Saturday 14 June 2008

East Coast SAG Leaders Say West Coast Leaders Lied

East Coast SAG leaders have charged that West Coast leaders lied to them when they assured them that their "solidarity" rally last Monday would be "pro-SAG" and would not be "remotely anti-AFTRA." Instead, they said, the rally became a blistering attack on AFTRA's deal with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. "We were lied to by" union president Alan Rosenberg and national executive director Doug Allen, an unnamed East Coast member of SAG's national executive committee told today's (Wednesday) Hollywood Reporter.Moreover, members of the Chicago local of SAG have reportedly sent a letter to Rosenberg asking that he call off the $75,000 "educational campaign" aimed at attacking the AFTRA contract with the AMPTP. Todd Hissong, president of the Chicago local, called the campaign "an unconscionable waste of our resources and our time. And Chicago's rank and file does not support it."

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